Screenplayground podcast – What If? “Kat & Mouse”

In this episode of What if? Thomas Cunningham & Patrick Guera break a story about a Dancing Virgin vs. an angry, scuppering mouse!

We are given a ridiculous premise by Robot Producer (a random generated plot via the internet) and we must break the story and have a basic, workable plot upon which a script could be written… in roughly 30 mins to do this. Robot Producer is a maniac. Let us know what you think! If you love the show please share it and subscribe on iTunes & give it 5 stars & a review. This will really help us get the show heard. Thanks!

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Screenplayground podcast – What if? “Zombies4Change”

In the latest episode of the “What If?” podcast, we break a story randomly generated and given to us by our robot producer featuring zombies! We try to make it all make sense and offer a fresh take on the zombie story. Enjoy it and share it! Let us know what you think and what you’d like to see in future podcasts and please subscribe to the Screenplayground podcast on iTunes & if you love it & you love us like we love you, please give it a 5 star rating and a good review. This helps more people find the show.