Screenplayground Podcast – What If? “Jedi Weed”

In this episode of What if? Thomas Cunningham & Patrick Guera break a story about an ex-Jedi and his gardener who want to grow a plant that when ingested gives a normal person Jedi powers. Something so powerful is not without danger and potential conflict. 

Mr. Roboto our AI Producer has somehow gotten the rights to this Star Wars stand-alone idea and as always given roughly 30mins to break into a usable foundation for a screenplay.  Enjoy! Please share, rate and review on iTunes and/or your favorite podcast app. We’re on Stitcher, GooglePlay, TuneIn, Spotify and more. Just search “Screenplayground”. 

Screenplayground podcast – What If? “Kat & Mouse”

In this episode of What if? Thomas Cunningham & Patrick Guera break a story about a Dancing Virgin vs. an angry, scuppering mouse!

We are given a ridiculous premise by Robot Producer (a random generated plot via the internet) and we must break the story and have a basic, workable plot upon which a script could be written… in roughly 30 mins to do this. Robot Producer is a maniac. Let us know what you think! If you love the show please share it and subscribe on iTunes & give it 5 stars & a review. This will really help us get the show heard. Thanks!

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